Lazy Hiker Brewing Company

“This is some damn good beer” -guy in front of us in line. Nestled in the western North Carolina mountains, just past the antique shops of downtown Franklin, sits the Lazy Hiker Brewing Company. This hiking themed brewery would appeal to any outdoor lover. Within the trail map decorated walls, just beneath the shabby sets…

Rolling Hills

It’s the hardest parts of life that carve the pathways to clarity and happiness. -Madison Lindsay-Smith

Max Patch (NC) Hike

Night had fallen and the Milky Way spilled out above us with its millions of glittering galaxies The gravel on Max Patch road crunched loudly underneath Abes new-ish off-road tires.  It was a beautiful and warm October day, which explained why the parking lot was slammed full.  We ended up parking on the side of…

Hurricane Creek Off-Road Trail (NC)

It was all the makings of a perfect horror movie… “Oh no, that was it! That was the entrance to Hurricane Creek.” Our Xterra, formally known as Abe, had just passed the opening to the off-road trail. “Well, at least we know now that it’s right behind the sign that says Harmons Den exit 7!”…

The Mountain Biker

two wheels halted before a crooked course the tunnel of trees tossed in the wind they whispered and waved at him to embark the track ahead snaked out of sight leaving its route cloaked in secret he supposes it will bend and twist he imagines it might bump and break he foretells the path will…

The big reveal…

The world, seemingly flawed to untrained souls, will inevitably reveal itself in the nature of pure balance and harmony. – Madison Lindsay-Smith

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton